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Meet Our Team

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Anu is a people focused, purpose driven, leader.  At his core is the desire to add value to others and help them realise their potential.  Trained in agricultural production systems with specialities in aquiculture, animal breeding and quantitative genetics, he has over two decades of experience applying the principles learned to solving complex problems resulting in improved profitability to producers across multiple continents, species and industries.  Growing up a the nexus between the UK and Nigeria the contrast between wealth and poverty permeated his consciousness fueling a desire to resolve the tension.  The realisation that business can be the greatest force for good and community wellness became apparent when he saw the positive impact successful businesses had on employee families and the communities that housed them.  Could the principles of wealth generation, like those of quantitative genetics, be applied across the globe?  This thesis was tested and validated when he took over a business in Nigeria with his sister and in 24 months delivered >10X returns in profitability.  Anu believes that partnering with people who believe the same will make for an exciting journey and one Anu already knows well.

Anu Frank-Lawale
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Carli is a 25-year veteran of large retail and CPG, with a career spanning marketing, consumer insights, brand management, product development, merchandising, sourcing, and strategy.  She has managed and grown multi-billion-dollar P&L's, led impactful transformation initiatives, and built winning teams inside the world's largest retailer.  Over the past several years Carli has gotten more involved in the startup community and is a well-respected mentor and advisor, mentoring in accelerators and working one on one with founders.  Her firm belief that business can be the greatest source for positive impact in the world has led her to become more involved with social impact enterprises.  Having personally visited over 50 factories in various industries around the world, Carli sees manufacturing (and specifically small-scale local manufacturing) as a key ingredient to accelerated economic development, as well as sustainable and resilient supply chains.

Carli Rosencranz
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Gretchen has 25+ years of experience as an international development professional managing a portfolio total of $320M+ US Governmental funding and private donors and investors while living and working in Central America and East Africa.  Throughout her career, she successfully managed programs that provided entrepreneurship start-up training and seed capital to more than 25,000 small and/or medium enterprises that were profitable after two years.  This built up the wealth in the emerging markets as well as broke the cycle of poverty in the region and changed the system.  Gretchen also worked with larger private sector companies, partnering with them to generate more opportunities for smaller entrepreneurs, as a win-win to benefit the larger company and the smaller entrepreneur to ensure a more equitable system.  Gretchen is an experienced field expert who knows how to bridge partnerships between micro-small-medium entrepreneurs and larger players in the emerging markets in Africa and Latin America.

Gretchen Villegas
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